Playing with white balance can be a fun thing to do with landscapes as there’s no need to be concerned about getting correct skin tones in camera. If you are wondering what the heck I am talking about, you can Google white balance or check out a link such as this one here which should explain the basics. If you’ve ever taken a picture of people and they or their surrounding areas are orange…white balance is off. If they or their surroundings are blue…the white balance is off. You get the picture. Pun intended. Using white balance on your camera is not always trustworthy and your camera can and will change temperature settings from picture to picture. You will find much more consistent color when you understand how to assess and use the correct white balance settings. Enough of my ramblings…now for some images. Ever since I was a little girl, I have never been able to get anything straight so you’ll see my horizons are a tad crooked which is ironic as crooked horizons are one of my pet peeves.
Q: So why didn’t you straighten them in Photoshop Jo?
A: Because I was lazy.
All images are SOOC (straight out of the camera) with zero editing so you can truly see how the different white balance settings can affect the colors in your image. One day I will attempt to do this with skin if I can ever get my one and two year old models to sit still long enough to change settings. Maybe in about 5 years.
All the images below are shot with a Canon 16-35mm wide angle lens at 16mm with the camera secured on a tripod.
All settings:
ISO 100
And to close out this post, one of my little wispy, pigtailed, baby girl against the setting sun of our favorite beach. Happy shooting!