
They met before they were born. Their moms in the same “getting ready for baby” class and a bond was immediately formed. They were born within days of each other, both sets of them. Friends. Sisters. I saw an old picture of all four of these girls on the beach when the eldest girls were four and and the youngest were babies. To be able to capture them all together at this stage in their young adult lives was a privilege. Through the years they’ve shared childhood, memories, joy, and tragedy. They’ve kept their bonds strong through long distance separation and now the eldest two are making their way into the grown up world as seniors. I hope someday they’ll look back on these photos and share them with their own children when they talk about their lives together as friends and sisters.

Not my normal processing style…but something different because a tractor in a field with 4 girls on it calls for something different…

How cute are they!

I can only imagine all the conversations they’ve shared over the years together. So much history…

And because I have an insatiable love for what the sun does to figures…
Love this one of them on the swings. It’s like memories of childhood setting with the golden sun.


This picture summarizes how good friends should always make each other feel…like jumping for joy! Thank you girls for making new memories with each other in front of my camera.