Category Archives: Family Ties

I love when happy, deserving couples get to have a baby. The kind of people that you know will raise a well rounded, high quality human to lead this wild world into the next stage of whatever the future holds. Add this to the fact that they are beautiful people inside and out and you know that the population increase will totally be worth it! Considering we did their newborn session yesterday, I better get their maternity session up stat! Just wait until you see their little one! Since I am the world’s slowest blogger, I hope I don’t make you wait too long!

This amazing couple decided they wanted their maternity shots in the Amador hills at a few wineries. My favorite by far was the incredibly gorgeous Helwig Vineyards. I don’t get out to Amador County much so this was a major treat for me. Not only that, they went in for an “outfit change” and came out with a nice bottle of wine for me. Can you say best clients ever? I finished it by 9pm that night. Duh.

This just may be my longest post ever as it’s one that’s most dear to my heart. I first met Court when I ran and jumped in a friend’s pool like an overbearing cannonball. For those of you who know me personally, I haven’t changed much. She was a little surprised at my actions and thought I was crazy so naturally we became friends. We were 8. Fast forward 30 years (man I just aged myself) and herein lies the story. Court has been next to me for the last 3 decades of my life…elementary, middle, high school, college, marriage, and the birth of my kids.  Backstreet boys, The Bangles, Depeche Mode, Alphaville (foreeeeeever young…do you really want to live forever?). Big bangs, Swatch phones, sequin dresses, passing notes in school, trips to Santa Cruz and Tahoe, learning to drive, and sneaking out (you didn’t read that mom). Fights with our parents, graduating, silly boyfriend breakups and makeups, and the loss of my dad. You can’t bottle all the memories of 30 years of friendship. You can just appreciate that they’ve stuck with you all this time and not left you to ride the crazy train alone. When I heard she was having a baby, I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited in all my life. I have to start this post with a little blast from the past. Scary that these pics are over 20 years old.

And on to the baby shower which came out amazing due to some super talented friends of hers. I am not that crafty but I will happily take photos of crafty things.

Shot some indoor maternity pics at 34 weeks at her house. I am so in love with her wall color. Oh and of how gorgeous she is. Seriously at 34 weeks I was as wide as I was tall and had at least 4 chins. It’s not fair.

She’s always had these amazing blue eyes and horse hair thick locks. No, I’m not jealous at all.

Oh and perfect teeth. Like I said. Not fair.

These guys are my friends. Lucy The dog too I guess if I enjoy being snarled and nipped at.

Seriously please stop being so gorgeous.

We were planning on going and doing some outdoor maternity shots and surprise! A month early…a few days after the above pics were shot, this happened…

I will always remember the moment when dad came in the waiting room and told his own dad it was a boy. Two grown men slobbering and hugging crying about their 3rd generation of boys. It was pure awesomeness.

A few before and afters.

Since baby was a month early and new flooring and nursery prep was to occur in those last 4 weeks, we got creative shooting lifestyle shots in and around their home. Hello little friend…I get to watch you grow up!

Father and son.

Do you see how close she is to biting me here???

The thinker.

My heart is full.

Maybe my favorite picture ever.

I think I’ll end this post now so I can pour a cup of coffee and call my friend. Congratulations on making it through the first few months of motherhood. I can’t wait to be by your side for the next 31 years. I love you guys!

I had the opportunity to shoot this incredibly fun family recently and let me tell you…these guys know how to have fun! Hanging out with them may have had me considering going for more kids (shhhh don’t you know who). They’ve got looks, personality, and the gift of gab. I really wanted to follow them home and have dinner with them and maybe stay for a slumber party but maybe that would have been a bit weird. Dad is a high school math teacher so the dorky, teacher jokester in me couldn’t help but drop a few of my favorites. “Why did the boy eat his math homework? Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake. Why do plants hate math? Because it gives them square roots.” Ok, I’ll stop now so you can look at the pictures. Thank you Williams family for an unforgettable evening. I am a happier person after meeting you all!