Category Archives: Family Ties

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A little patriotic post today as a reminder of how lucky we are to be free. I often think of how children live in other countries and the constant control and danger they are subjected to on a daily basis. Being able to raise our children in a free society is a luxury that not all experience and we owe it all to the men and women throughout the years who have sacrificed their time and lives to make that possible. Disclaimer on the use of the flag: Yes, I am fully aware of American Flag Etiquette. I chose to use the flag respectfully in the name of personal, artistic freedom.
Happy Independence Day!

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What is so great about lifestyle shoots? Well…shooting families in their own surroundings with all that is important to them is pretty awesome. So is the fact that this is where they make their memories and where the walls radiate with laughter. It is such an honor to be able to step into a home where all this magic happens and try to capture their world as it is, if only for a few hours. That and I get to hold a beautiful new baby and play silly games with a spunky toddler. It doesn’t get much better than this. Come on over here to see this family’s maternity session and enjoy their story!
I am really loving having families pose in front of their home for a few shots. I remember looking at really old images of my great grandparents holding a new baby on the porch and it is such a classic memory to have of a moment in time.

I know, I know…more baby feet images. I can’t help it…I love them so.
And….2 seconds later. Hey, it happens. Babies cry.I think she sees me.Be still my heart.
These boots were made for cuddling…and that’s just what they’ll do…Makes me want to jump in the picture and cuddle too.This is the look of, “Ut oh, I think my life just changed”.Hellooooo down there little thing!I have a feeling this little lady is on to me. Congratulations on creating a little piece of perfection!

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“It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life
For me
And I’m feeling good!” -Buble

Capturing a new life at home in their own surroundings is amazing! I am always thrilled when new families invite me inside to capture a glimpse of their world. This little one was 5 weeks at the time of this shoot, a complete dream, and I swear she was smiling at me in a few shots. What a complete joy to also be able to meet the grandparents, all the way from Texas, and watch them interact with their grandbaby. A funny back story to the brown wooden bowl baby is laying in. Apparently, this bowl has been in the family for generations and everyone in the family has been photographed in the bowl at some point in their lives. I got the honorary pleasure of also getting to sit in the bowl while dad snapped a pic of me. Beg as you may, I will not be posting that picture 🙂

Enjoy this gorgeous family as their story unfolds here in images.