Category Archives: Let Them Be Little

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If you’ve ever been to the desert in the gorgeous light of the evening sunset, you know of its magic. If not, like me, this is a new experience and you’d pull your car over and set up the tripod , attempt to set focus and run to where you think the magic will happen in a 1/320 of a second to catch a few images of you and your daughter. Focusing on a random bush is not easy. Running to said bush to try to be in the image and somewhat in focus when there is no one or nothing to set focus on is even more difficult. Here are some I am proud of. To be in pictures with my daughter is priceless. To be a passerby, such an experience must have been hysterical. Happy early Mother’s Day!
Look for the outtake in the last image. Such a delicate little flower my little thing is 🙂






Location hunting with my daughter is always a supercharged, high energy expedition in which I have all but about 3 minutes to scout the spot, find the light, and try to snap some keepers before she either eats an inedible plant, smears dirt on her face, or runs to my legs in agony of having been separated from me by 22 feet. Wow that was a long sentence. Just a few of my little pistol in which has recently become my favorite spot to shoot. Sun, glorious sun!

To say that the coming of this new baby was long awaited would be an understatement. Adding the final piece to this family puzzle has everyone in a tizzy of excitement and anticipation. When editing this session I kept going back to the remake by Izzy. Click here for a mood setter. Since they met and married in Hawaii, it was more than fitting. To be able to capture this stage of this family’s life was an honor. Truthfully, it was a terrible week of weather and it was so overcast during their shoot I thought I might cry. Me, the lover of all things sunshiny and bright. After their session I decided we didn’t need any sunshine with us as they brought more than enough simply with their presence, excitement, and love for one another..