Category Archives: Let Them Be Little

I haven’t done a personal post in a while here and tonight I feel like sharing a few little pieces of my daughter. Just got a new macro lens and am learning all the little tricks of the trade with being so close to things. These aren’t true 1:1 macro shots as I’m pretty short and can barely lean in her crib so they’re the best I could do without the risk of waking her. It was a small miracle that a. she didn’t wake up while I was snapping away b. I didn’t trip on a toy entering or leaving c. her pacifier actually fell out so I could capture her sweet face d. I shot these handheld at 1/40 of a second on my tiptoes leaning in the crib. I promise to get to know this lens better and come back and share some “real” macro but for now you’ll have to settle for this. 🙂 At least now I will remember what 18 months of her little parts looked like up close if nothing else.

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“It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life
For me
And I’m feeling good!” -Buble

Capturing a new life at home in their own surroundings is amazing! I am always thrilled when new families invite me inside to capture a glimpse of their world. This little one was 5 weeks at the time of this shoot, a complete dream, and I swear she was smiling at me in a few shots. What a complete joy to also be able to meet the grandparents, all the way from Texas, and watch them interact with their grandbaby. A funny back story to the brown wooden bowl baby is laying in. Apparently, this bowl has been in the family for generations and everyone in the family has been photographed in the bowl at some point in their lives. I got the honorary pleasure of also getting to sit in the bowl while dad snapped a pic of me. Beg as you may, I will not be posting that picture 🙂

Enjoy this gorgeous family as their story unfolds here in images.

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I dedicate this post to all the moms out there. Moms, in whatever form it means to you and the relationships that have extended from them. Coming from someone who spent most of her life adamantly not wanting kids, this post comes from a very special place in my heart where the biggest life change I ever made, turned out to be the best by far. I come from a small immediate family but a huge extended family where I consider myself very lucky to celebrate this day in my heart with my mom, Godmom, Godmom to my children, the network of friends who help me raise my “villagers”, grandmoms to my babies, and the many moms I’ve been blessed enough to capture behind the lens. Looking back on some of the motherhood moments I’ve caught this past year cemented the fact that capturing moments between people is an amazing gift that I am grateful to have been given. Thank you moms everywhere for all that you do and warm thoughts to all who are holding on to memories of their moms who have gone. A few mommy moments this past year that will forever leave an imprint in my heart. Happy Mother’s Day!