
I haven’t done a personal post in a while here and tonight I feel like sharing a few little pieces of my daughter. Just got a new macro lens and am learning all the little tricks of the trade with being so close to things. These aren’t true 1:1 macro shots as I’m pretty short and can barely lean in her crib so they’re the best I could do without the risk of waking her. It was a small miracle that a. she didn’t wake up while I was snapping away b. I didn’t trip on a toy entering or leaving c. her pacifier actually fell out so I could capture her sweet face d. I shot these handheld at 1/40 of a second on my tiptoes leaning in the crib. I promise to get to know this lens better and come back and share some “real” macro but for now you’ll have to settle for this. 🙂 At least now I will remember what 18 months of her little parts looked like up close if nothing else.

  • Robin

    Holy moly! These are beautiful! I love the dirt on her foot.ReplyCancel

  • I sooooo want a macro lens, and this doesn’t not help ease my cravings! Love these!ReplyCancel